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About the Position
Position # 3932
OrganizationDiverters Foundation
Position Accounting Volunteer
Impact Statement The Diverters Foundation is dedicated to creating economic opportunities, de-stigmatizing diverting*, diverting waste into recycling, and promoting social cohesion among members of the diverter community. The organization’s goals are to deliver community programs to help provide skills and economic opportunities for marginalized people in Victoria.

*Diverting (also known as binning, waste picking, or bottle collection) involves bottle collection, waste picking, or binning to earn income and divert waste into recycling instead of the landfill.
Description We are looking for a volunteer who can support our Treasurer with accounting for the organization. This is something we are really keen on finding! Duties would broadly include:
Maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records for the organization.
Generating financial reports, financial statements, and budgets as required for grant applications, AGMs, and other as-needed requests.
Providing insights and recommendations for the organization.
Training Details none
Working Conditions Work mostly from home. Participate on online meeting with the fondation manager and board members.
Minimum Duration 4 - 6 months
Timing Anytime
Time Detail at most 2-3 hours a month
Age 19+
Ideal for An Individual
Transportation Car required
Area(s) of Interest Events/Fundraising, Accounting/Finance, Recycling
Skill(s) Plan & Co-ordinate, Resource Management, Financial Planning, Managing Money
How to Apply
Application Link:
Website https://www.thediverters.ca
Email Send an Email Message
Contact Patrick
Address 1531 Pear Street Victoria, V8P 2A2
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