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About the Position
Position # 3357
OrganizationJames Bay Community Project
Position Thrift Store Cashier and/ or Clothing preparation volunteer
Location James Bay Square, Simcoe Street, Victoria, BC, Canada
Impact Statement -
Description Join a cozy thrift store environment in the heart of James Bay. Cashier experience preferred, but not completely necessary. Training, flexible shift options, clothing discounts and a good opportunity to make new friends. Proceeds go to supporting the James Bay Community Project non-profit that works with seniors and young families in the James Bay area and beyond. Clothing preparation help also needed. Store Manager regularly and consistently on site. Clean, organized space. Store discount.
Training Details Volunteer Coordinator will onboard and Store Manager will complete onboarding and train, as well as shadow shifts with other volunteers.
Working Conditions Must be able to manage clothing, including some lifting, be energetic and be a positive volunteer team member. Must enjoy interacting with the public. Very clean, well organized environment that you can help to lightly maintain. Store Manager present.
Minimum Duration 4 - 6 months
Timing Weekday - Daytime, Weekend - Daytime
Time Detail Shifts are approximately 2.5-3 hours in length. Once per week.
Age 19+
Ideal for An Individual
Transportation On a bus route
Area(s) of Interest Retail Sales/Donations
Skill(s) Customer Service, Verbal Communication, Sensitivity, Respect, Managing Money
How to Apply
Application Link:
Email Send an Email Message
Contact Kristyn Laver
Phone 2503887844 Ext. 308
Address 547 Michigan Street Victoria, V8V 1S5


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