Esquimalt Neighbourhood House Society exists to improve well being, education, and social change for our community. One of our aims is to provide free programs that engage community members and combat isolation and loneliness.
Do you have something inspiring, and/or informative to share with your community? Would you like to practice your facilitation/speaking skills? We are looking for volunteer speakers/presenters to come to Esquimalt Neighbourhood House and present interesting topics to our clients on a one-time or ongoing basis. Approximate length of speech/discussion would be an hour. The topics could appeal to a specific audience or a general one. Come share what you're passionate about.
Training Details
We will provide an orientation to our organization, staff and buildings.
Working Conditions
Esquimalt Neighbourhood House has various accessible spaces to accommodate small groups. We will provide tea/coffee and snacks to presenter and attendees.
Minimum Duration
3 months or less
Ideal for
An Individual, A Group
On a bus route
Wheelchair accessible entrance, Wheelchair accessible washroom, Designated accessible parking space, Support volunteers with special needs, Accessible work space
Area(s) of Interest
Animals/Pets, Health Care/Emergency, Senior Services
Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity, Interpersonal Communication, Public Speaking/Presentation Skills, Community Knowledge/Awareness, Motivate Others