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About the Position
Position # 3781
OrganizationSwan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary
Position Community Education Assistant - Environmental Education
Location 3873 Swan Lake Road, Victoria, BC, Canada
Impact Statement Support the Sanctuary's mission to conserve and restore Nature Sanctuary lands and waters while inspiring stewardship through community engagement and collaboration.


•Impact: Help inspire environmental awareness and stewardship among youth in the community
•Skill Growth: Develop communication and teaching abilities
•Progression Opportunities: Pathways to teaching roles
•Community: Connect with a community with a common commitment to nature and education
Description This position provides vital program and classroom assistance to the Nature Sanctuary’s Junior Steward and school programs. Program topics include Garry Oak Ecosystems, Wetlands and Watersheds, Owls, Reptiles and Pollinators and Adaptations.

Key Responsibilities:
•Program delivery and indoor/outdoor classroom management, including: sharing educational materials with students, participating in activities, helping students when needed, sharing knowledge (if of interest to volunteer)
•Set up and take down of learning activities
•Keeping a careful eye on the group to make sure everyone is safe and all present

Our Expectations of Volunteers:

•Support the Mission and Values of the Sanctuary and its efforts in education, restoration and responsible stewardship
•Co-operation with administrative tasks e.g. filling in time sheets
•Commitment to attend training and orientation
Training Details Training:

•Program training provided by Education Team staff
•Orientation on the history and current community and volunteer programs at the Sanctuary
Working Conditions Indoor and outdoor setting; requires moving around uneven terrain, some lifting, carrying.
Minimum Duration 4 - 6 months
Timing Weekday - Daytime
Time Detail Shifts: Spanning 1.5 to 3 hours
Availability: Volunteers are asked to sign up for a minimum of two shifts per month (once trained and onboarded, program shift options are sent out monthly)
•Duration: Initial 3-6 months commitment, with opportunity for renewal
Age 18+
Ideal for An Individual
Transportation On a bus route
Accessibility Accessible work space
Area(s) of Interest Children/Youth, Gardening/Environment
Skill(s) Collaboration, Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity, Communicate in Plain Language, Empathy, Playing
How to Apply
Application Link:
Website http://www.swanlake.bc.ca/
Email Send an Email Message
Contact ttodesco@swanlake.bc.ca
Phone 250-479-0211
Address 3873 Swan Lake Road Victoria, V8X3W1


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