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About the Position
Position # 3977
OrganizationAlzheimer Society of B.C.
Position Caregiver Support Group Facilitator - 2nd Thursday of every month, 2:30pm - 4:00pm - Caregiver Support Group
Location 202-4420 Chatterton Way, Victoria
Impact Statement The Alzheimer Society of B.C. exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cures.
Description Caregiver support group facilitators create a safe space for caregivers of people living with dementia to share their experiences and strategies in a group setting. They offer education through structured discussions as well as information resources to help caregivers navigate the dementia journey. Facilitators exhibit discretion, empathy, strong listening skills, and a belief in the capacity of peers to support one another.  
Role responsibilities: Ensure the ground rules for discussion are followed, facilitate group discussion; provide information on programs, services, and education opportunities offered by ASBC; set up room and coordinate logistics; complete a support group report including attendance and regular debriefs with the supervisor

How to apply: Please email availability, resume (optional), and a brief intro to enunez@alzheimerbc.org with the subject "CGSG Application Spring 2025."
Training Details Alzheimer Society of B.C. also provides an excellent and comprehensive training program to Support Group Facilitators. This includes an orientation to the Alzheimer Society of B.C.; basic education about dementia and its causes; information about caregiving issues faced by families; maintaining healthy boundaries; group facilitation training (either via e-learning modules or a virtual 2-day training); and on-going mentorship opportunities. The total time commitment for the training, which will take place over the first 3 months of your volunteer placement, is an additional 13.5 hours.
Minimum Duration More than 1 year
Timing Weekday - Daytime
Time Detail 2nd Thursday of every month, 2:30pm - 4:00pm. In-Person at our Victoria office with a minimum volunteer commitment of a year or longer.
Age 18+
Ideal for An Individual
Transportation On a bus route
Area(s) of Interest Caring Support, Health Care/Emergency
Skill(s) Communicate in Plain Language, Manage Meetings & Groups, Sensitivity, Empathy, Ethical Framework
How to Apply
Application Link:
Application File:
Website https://alzheimer.ca/bc/en/take-action/volunteer
Email Send an Email Message
Contact Emilie Nunez
Phone 7787462025
Address 4420 Chatterton Way Victoria, V8X 5J2
Copyright © 2021 Volunteer Victoria