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Your Volunteer Opportunity search found 172 results.
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Program/Special Event
Organization Name
Monday Meditation classes   Gorge View Society
WIN Resale Shops - General Retail Support   Victoria Women In Need Community Cooperative - WIN
Donation Centre - Donation Sorter   Victoria Women In Need Community Cooperative - WIN
Children's Program Assistant Family Support Saanich Neighbourhood Place
Kitchen Assistant   Saanich Neighbourhood Place
Certified Teachers The Literacy Circle Classes The Literacy Circle Society
Volunteer Sales Associate   Global Village Store
Community Program Volunteer Community Programs Esquimalt Neighbourhood House
B You Summer Camp Volunteers Needed B You - Big Brothers Big Sisters Big Brothers Big Sisters of Victoria
Food Donation Pick Up Good Food Box Driver Saanich Neighbourhood Place
Prop Room Assistant Back Stage Crew Langham Court Theatre
Costume Loft Volunteers Costume Loft Langham Court Theatre
Board of Director   Sooke Family Resource Society
Event and Outreach Coordinator Saanich to Sidney ElderDog South Vancouver Island Pawds
Vision Mate   CNIB
Treasurer/Director Board Position   Wear2Start Society
Volunteer Gardener   John Howard Society of Victoria
Harm Reduction Packing Rock Bay Landing Victoria Cool Aid Society
Dining Room Support Rock Bay Landing Victoria Cool Aid Society
Bakery Food Rescuer   Victoria Cool Aid Society
Hygiene and Clothing Volunteers Rock Bay Landing Victoria Cool Aid Society
Program Support Volunteer REES Victoria Cool Aid Society
Computer Room Volunteer Rock Bay Landing Victoria Cool Aid Society
Every Step Counts - Pace Lead Downtown Community Centre Victoria Cool Aid Society
WorkLink Board Member   Worklink Employment Society
Front Office/Gift Shop Volunteers   Gardens at HCP (Horticulture Centre of the Pacific)
HCP Library Volunteer   Gardens at HCP (Horticulture Centre of the Pacific)
Piano Accompanist Silver Threads Singers Silver Threads Service
Chronic Pain Program Leader Four-day Chronic Pain Leader Training Self-Management BC
Mentor to a Single Mom Moms & Mentors Program 1Up Victoria Single Parent Resource Centre
Instrument Petting Zoo Guide Instrument Petting Zoo at Community Fairs and Festivals Victoria Symphony
Board Member   Diverters Foundation
Creative Reuse Education Assistants   SUPPLY Victoria Creative Reuse Centre
Salvaged Supply Sorter   SUPPLY Victoria Creative Reuse Centre
Servers - Friday Night Welcome Reception Classic Boat Festival Maritime Museum of BC
Driver   Our Place Society
Researcher WITS Programs WITS Programs Foundation
Mascot WITS Programs WITS Programs Foundation
File organizer   WITS Programs Foundation
Educational Advisor WITS Programs WITS Programs Foundation
Van/Bus Driver   James Bay New Horizons Society
Administrative & Communications Assistant   Friends of Bowker Creek Society
Gift Shop/Cashier   British Columbia Aviation Museum
Art Design Assistant Art of the Cocktail - The Roaring 20s theme. Victoria Film Festival
Accounting Volunteer   Diverters Foundation
General volunteering Clothing Donations Needed for At-Risk Teens plus future volunteer opportunities Victoria Youth Empowerment Society
Gardening Program   YMCA-YWCA Vancouver Island
Board Member   Pacifica Housing Advisory Association
Tech Mate   CNIB
Social Media Volunteer   Diverters Foundation
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