Our Mission
About the Position
Position # 2623
OrganizationVictoria Marathon Society
Position Royal Victoria Marathon volunteers - Royal Victoria Marathon
Location Varies
Impact Statement To manage a world class running event and complimentary events that have a positive impact on the community, and provide opportunities that foster active, healthy
Description Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles through Race Weekend and Race Day. We are looking for volunteers to help with the following positions - race course set-up, aid stations, finish line set-up, race package pick-up and shirt distribution, course marshals, race finish marshals, medal setup and handout, finish line security, space blanket setup and handout, volunteer tent and gear check, garbage detail - on route and on the race finish and start grounds. We have a 5km race on Saturday, October 12 in Oak Bay and a Marathon and Half Marathon downtown Victoria on Sunday, October 13.

This year we are offering honorariums for groups/organizations that provide a volunteers to fill a particular marshalling zone. These honorariums are based on the number of volunteers provided and the number of hours in the shift. Please contact Wendy at volunteer@runvictoriamarathon.com for more information.

Register at https://royalvictoriamarathon.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/
Training Details Volunteers will be given a manual, a link to a training video and will receive explicit role details from their area coordinator. The coordinators will be working along side them and overseeing the event. All volunteers will receive a hat and snacks and we are working on a fun event for volunteers post race.
Working Conditions 1.Working outdoors on the run route from downtown Victoria to Oak Bay and back.
2. Working in the race Expo at the Crystal Gardens or at Willows Beach.
Minimum Duration Special event
Timing Weekday - Daytime, Weekend - Daytime
Time Detail The shifts vary. You can choose a day and time when you register in Volunteer Local
Age 14+
Ideal for An Individual, A Group, ESL/EAL
Transportation On a bus route
Accessibility Support volunteers with special needs, Accessible work space, Support Newcomers and ESL
Area(s) of Interest Events/Fundraising, Recreation/Sports, Special Events
Skill(s) Customer Service, Communicate in Plain Language, Motivate Others, Problem Solving, Accountability
How to Apply
Application Link:
Website http://www.runvictoriamarathon.com
Email Send an Email Message
Contact Wendy Cohen
Phone 350 686 0106
Address PO Box 675, 185-911 Yates St Victoria BC, V8V 4Y9
Copyright © 2021 Volunteer Victoria